Purchasing At Work
There are many good reasons for implementing a system for managing the purchasing (or procurement) process in you organization . Better control and more predictability budgeting and cash flow, price and agreement monitoring and analysis or automation of customer order handling. Many of our customers already have a functioning purchasing systems but still use Purchasing At Work to improve parts of their handling, like line by line matching of purchas order and invoices, PEPPOL or EDI automation - or simply to save time and money by adding our Purchase Optimizer. In our system of module based applications - pick the parts you need to improve your business processess.
Set the rules, monitor the flow
Define your financial rules like approving rights and limits and steps in the approval process and the system will enforce it.
Monitor the flow of the purchasing process visually from worklists or graphical reports, sorting in worklists is both good looking and effective.
Act. Handle the exceptions and prevent orders from getting stuck, rejected or ignored by the suppliers without anyone noticing and takin action.

Requisitions and customer orders
A requisition is a suggestion to buy specific items - and this is where we start. Often the requisition arrive from the customer web shop for delivery to an end customer - but it may just as well be "internal" for production or consumption.
The requisition may go through an approval - and when approved it will create one (or more) Purchase Orders for specific suppliers.
The approved items can be sendt to the Suppliers directly, or joined with other open orders to go as a joint order - PEPPOL and EDI compliant by default.

Purchase optimizer
The ground braking add-on application Purchase Optimizer makes sure you always get the best price on any order or requisition.
It will check all registred suppliers for price, availability and freigth costs and suggest the best combination for your order.
It will aid your purchasing policies by grouping, splitting or joining orders before sending - but allows for flexibility and manual inputs (because sometimes we donæt have all the facts in our systems).

Buy, watch, act
After approval, the Puchase Order is sent to the Suppliers - in the best format available (PEPPOL, EDI og email - even print).
Then it's abount communications - receiving av Order Confirmation, corrections, Delivery notifications or rejects. All "digital" if available - but via email or manually if not. We bridge the different options.
If anything happens - including "nothing" - it's all monitored.
When the order has been completed, we can trigger the release of a customer invoice (og creditcard charge) automatically.
The levels of automation are customized and simple to adjust, going from "manual check" initially to "fully automated" when confidence has grown and systems tuned.

Match invoices to purchase orders - line by line
Fully machine matching of lines for PEPPOL/EDI invoices meansyou will get exact data feedback from Supplier Invocies@Work for each order line. Updating it with number of items invoiced and item price, and the option to update price list from the invoice or just monitor the price development.

Search and reports - fast, easy, unlimited
Our new search engine offers speed, accuracy and flexibility in the extreme. Prepare your data; filter, calculate, sort, summarize, highlight or group data, present it graphically and pivot the data is just the beginning.
Save your favourite reports, email them or even subscribe to them via email as daily, weekly or monthly reports.
And yes, you still can download it to Excel if you like, but when you have learned our new reports we don't think you want to any more.

KeyP - Supplier reports
If you really want to improve your purchasing process - and save big money - our KeyP application is your obvious add-on. KeyP stands for Key Performance monitoring - and it will in real time display e.g. which suppliers you buy more from, which items you buy (from PEPPOL item lines), development month by month compared to previous periods and your "top 20 suppliers".